Accessibility Statement

We want our website to be as usable and easy to understand as possible. If the methods shown below don’t help you then contact us (see below).

Find the right assistive technology to customise this site to your needs

While the site has been created to be usable ‘as is’, many people are likely to get the most accessible experience of using this site by customising their computer to suit their individual needs – for example: to get the site spoken to them, to change its colour-scheme, or increase the size of its fonts.

If that sounds like it would be useful to you, we recommend you visit BBC My Web, My Way to watch videos of how these customisations – either using accessibility features of your computer or through installing assistive technologies – might suit you.

Limitations of this site’s accessibility

While we’ve done a lot to ensure this site’s accessibility, you may find some limitations:

  • while we always aim to communicate clearly and as simply as possible, some of the articles contain words that are often used in End of Life Care
  • while the site has been created using an accessible theme and has been reviewed by experts for accessibility, the site has not been fully user-tested with disabled people

Let us know if you have difficulties using this site

If you find anything on the site difficult to use please let us know on our Contact form .

To help us get to the bottom of your difficulty, it would help us if you provide the information advised in ‘Contacting Organisations about Inaccessible Websites’ in your request.

All constructive feedback regarding the accessibility or usability of this website is welcome and will be carefully considered.