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Cransley Hospice Trust is a charity that supports hospice services in the. north of Northamptonshire. These services are available in the hospice building or at home (Hospice at Home).

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Its Official,  The Care provided by Cransley Hospice is Outstanding!
In the recent (CQC)  Care Quality Commission - The care at Cransley Hospice has been officially rated as outstanding . The CQC is the health service equivalent of Ofsted. It is the organisation which regulates and inspects health services.
Cransley Hospice was rated as providing exceptional care where the staff involve and treat patients and their families with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect. Inspectors saw that “feedback from patients and their families were consistently positive and included many examples of where staff provided kind and compassionate care.”
Inspectors also found that “Patients and their families were truly respected and valued as individuals and were empowered as partners in their care.”
Cransley Hospice also provides hospice type care to patients in their own homes. The Hospice at Home Service consists of Nurse Specialist, Therapist, Registered Nurses and Care Assistants.
‘Every element of the hospice at home team was remarkable, they gave us comfort, support, knowledge and first class medical treatment’.
The Hospice at Home service provides emotional and practical support to patients and their families at the end of life. One family told inspectors that
‘All the nurses had a sense of calm and an understanding of all the emotions I was going through, I cannot praise them enough”.
With your ongoing support, we can continue to provide such outstanding care!